
Posts Tagged ‘Talk Radio’

Lately I have been watching more WWE and WrestleMania than I wish.   In fact, one minute is watching more than I wish.   However, there is a show that I like that plays just after WrestleMania and when I tape it I always get the end of WrestleMania too.

Wrestling 2Despite myself I find myself fascinated by all of the out of control and over the top emotions, the varied and stupendously bad costumes, and the obviously staged and scripted “fights”.  The level of absolute fakery totally devoid and divorced from any sort of resemblance to reality is appallingly fascinating.

Since I have started to catch more snippets (thankfully nothing longer than a minute) of WWE I have had this nagging feeling that I have experienced this same appalled fascination before.    Today I finally realized where.

AM talk radio.

Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Mark Levine,  Sean Hannity and all the others that I occasionally listen to have that same empty, sleazy feel to them.   Just without the costumes…. or at least I hope without the costumes.  

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